Profession web designer


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<p>WEB DESIGNER DEALS WITH THE DESIGN AND VISUAL CONCEPT OF A WEBSITE. THE KEY TASK OF A SPECIALIST IS TO CREATE A USER-FRIENDLY SELLING WEBSITE THAT WILL REFLECT THE COMPANY&#39;S IDENTITY. NOW EVERY BUSINESS NEEDS ITS OWN WEB PAGE, SO THE PROFESSION IS AT THE PEAK OF DEMAND.</p> <p>HOW TRAINING TAKES PLACE</p> <p>1. YOU WATCH THE LECTURES<br /> AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK<br /> You watch the lectures at your convenience. After each module you do your homework on your own or with the help of a tutor.<br /> 2. CREATE YOUR FIRST CASE STUDY<br /> The website is your final work and the first case you create in the course of your studies by doing your homework step by step.<br /> 3. YOU DEFEND YOUR FINAL WORK<br /> You prepare for the defense together with your mentor: he/she watches your work, listens to the defense speech and reads the presentation. After that you present your work in ZOOM-format to our jury members - representatives of communication agencies, web-designers and experts in this field.<br /> 4. YOU GET A LICENSED CERTIFICATE<br /> An official document that your competence has been confirmed! You can put it in your portfolio<br /> 5. START WORKING<br /> Our juries are your potential employers. Also, we add all graduates after the defense to our job chat, where current offers appear regularly.<br /> OUR PROGRAMS ARE STATE-LICENSED. THIS MEANS THAT AFTER MASTERING THE COURSE PROGRAM AND DEFENDING THE FINAL WORK, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT THAT WILL CONFIRM YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO THE EMPLOYER.</p>

ABOUT US is a knowledge marketplace. On our site you will find a huge number of courses in different areas - learning different languages (English, German, Spanish, French and others), courses on programming, professional development and much more. Join in!
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