<p>What acute reactions can occur?<br /> How to distinguish a panic attack from anaphylactic shock?<br /> What do you need to know in order to prevent irreversible?<br /> What should be mandatory in the cosmetologist's office?<br /> In the practice of any cosmetic doctor, a situation can occur when you need to know what to do and react immediately.<br /> Any patient can have an unexpected reaction to the injection of a drug, anesthesia, or contact of the drug with the skin.<br /> You may only have a few minutes before your heart stops, so it is important to know a clear algorithm of actions, not to be confused and to be confident.<br /> What questions should I ask the patient before the procedure?</p> <p>THE WEBINAR WILL PROVIDE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS<br /> HOW TO RESPOND TO ANY EMERGENCY<br /> IN THE COSMETIC DOCTOR'S OFFICE.</p> <p>PROGRAM<br /> Medical emergencies in the practice of a cosmetic physician<br /> Allergic reactions and acute allergic reactions<br /> Immediate allergic reactions (ARNT)<br /> Anaphylactic shock<br /> Acute urticaria / Generalized urticaria<br /> Angioedema (Quincke's edema)<br /> Shock kit in the cosmetologist's office</p>