A CLOSED HUSBAND How to change relationships if the husband does not want to talk about them


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Yana Kataeva School


<p>FOR WHOM?</p> <p>This course is for you if:</p> <p>you don&#39;t know what&#39;s on your man&#39;s mind, so you have to guess;</p> <p>your husband seems indifferent and thick-skinned;</p> <p>you can rarely share your feelings with him and be understood;</p> <p>your husband slams the door shut when you bring up a difficult family issue, from any criticism or even a slanted glance;</p> <p>problems remain unspoken and hanging between you;</p> <p>sometimes you feel like you&#39;re talking to yourself;</p> <p>you often feel lonely, even when your husband is around.</p> <p>I am not promising that after the course your husband will share with you the subtle movements of his soul and say, &quot;Beloved! I&#39;m going to give you this star!&quot;. I don&#39;t promise that he will become more talkative.</p> <p>But gradually he&#39;ll become more open to you, you&#39;ll feel happier, and your family will become friendlier.</p> <p>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</p> <p>Yana Kataeva</p> <p>Family psychologist, EFT-therapist, certified coach</p> <p>Author of the bestseller &quot;What kind of love, we have children!&quot;</p> <p>More than 10,000 hours of individual work</p> <p>Author of articles for MIF, LifeHacker, Matrona, Eva.ru and many others.</p> <p>Expert on radio and TV</p> <p>18 years married, 3 children, 2 dogs, 1 cat</p>

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