<p>How to attract money in your life? What to do if you urgently need a certain amount of money?</p> <p>Use this meditation. It helped me to attract 300,000 rubles. I am sure you will succeed too.</p> <p>Important! Attract money only for clear purposes. The meditation is very simple. You can use it even if you have never practiced it before.</p> <p>You will need 15 days of daily practice. Money will come to you from an unexpected source. You don't have to think about exactly how the money will come to you. Just trust the law of attraction.</p> <p>Meditation includes:</p> <p>Working with the unconscious through symbols.<br /> Working through neurolinguistic programming of your problem area.<br /> Changing the perception problems of the inner and outer world.<br /> Changing the inner landscape, because the unconscious does not perceive words - only pictures.</p>