The system “Own Web studio in 55 days“


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Video courses from Mikhail Rusakov


<p>Why exactly</p> <p>Web-studio?</p> <p>Indeed, why Web-studio? Let&#39;s break down its advantages (confirmation of all this will be below):</p> <p>1/</p> <p><br /> High profit. Creation of the same landings costs 15-25 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of the prototype, design, layout and program part of only 7500 rubles.</p> <p>2/</p> <p><br /> Low competition. Yes, yes, it is low. BUT!!! Subject to a competent unique selling proposition. What do we see in the competitors? Almost 100% prepayment, complete lack of guarantees, high price for almost all of them (200 thousand - this is far from the limit for the lending), not a full range of services (SPLIT-testing only in units). It is very easy to stand out against their background, but I will talk about it a little later.</p> <p>3/</p> <p><br /> No office required. I am a staunch opponent of any office, as there is nothing worse than being tied to a place in the Internet age. I&#39;m not even talking about the fact that the high prices for banding in the competitors are largely due not even to their greed, but exorbitant rent. Yes, and focus on one city, when you can fulfill orders from the entire Russian-speaking world (and maybe not only Russian-speaking) silly.</p> <p>4/</p> <p><br /> You can work from anywhere in the world, without leaving home. All we need to work is a computer and the Internet.</p> <p>5/</p> <p><br /> Minimum investment. Try to open some car wash, I&#39;m afraid that you will not even in a million rubles. In your own Web-studio you will have the cost of creating your lending (7500 rubles), creating an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct (2000 rubles) and the cost of the domain (129 rubles per year) and hosting (60 rubles per month). That&#39;s it. Next, the costs of the advertising campaign itself, which should already be recouped with a profit.</p> <p>6/</p> <p><br /> It is easy to start your activity. Try to get all the permits for the construction of a car wash? You will go crazy, beating the thresholds of officials and bribing them (by the way, bribing is not free, as you realize). In the case of your Web-studio, you don&#39;t need any permits at all, and even at the initial stage you don&#39;t need to register a legal entity (but again, I didn&#39;t tell you that).</p> <p>7/</p> <p><br /> A virtual Web-studio is impossible to squeeze out. The same car wash you can squeeze out the authorities, or demolish it, because you will have a &quot;false ownership paper&quot;, in favor of large companies close to the power structures. But to squeeze out what is not material - very difficult, if not impossible. You can block the domain, but who prevents you from buying a new one, redo the links in the advertising campaign and work further? Personal threat? Packed your bags, left for another city / another country, and work on your own.</p> <p>8/</p> <p><br /> No knowledge of creating the sites themselves is required. You just need to know how, in general, they are made, and other specialists will do all the work.</p> <p>You need to work no more than an hour a day for the first time, and then less and less. In theory, it is possible to waste no time at all, but I will tell you in confidence that I personally have never managed to do this. On the other hand, if I had, you wouldn&#39;t be reading this right now.</p> <p>10/</p> <p>No one from the authorities is touching you. There are no inspections by sanitary and epidemiologic stations, fire inspections and a bunch of other checking bodies.<br /> It would seem that if everything is so great, why has not everyone opened their own Web-studio? After all, you just need to find the appropriate subject matter experts, to create a site, take orders and transfer orders to these subject matter experts. And the answer is simple - it is only in words easy, but in fact - not at all. Here are the reasons why it is difficult to open your own Web-studio:</p> <p>5/</p> <p><br /> Banal laziness and lack of a clear plan of action. It is not clear where to start, how to look for specialists, what to write, what to do if you don&#39;t like it, what terms, what prices - in general, a complete confusion in your head, which is not so easy to untangle for a person who has never made a business plan.</p> <p>6/</p> <p><br /> Lack of a &quot;kicker&quot;. You don&#39;t have a boss anymore. You have to make yourself work, and even at home, where you want to rest more. This is also a kind of psychological difficulty, but the problem is really serious, so I have singled it out in a separate item.</p> <p>But I have great news for you, I will solve all these difficulties for you. How? I present to your attention a very unusual course, I would even say, a whole system, which is called &quot;Your Web-Studio in 55 days&quot;.</p>

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