The system “Site layout from scratch 2.0“


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Video courses from Mikhail Rusakov


<p>Any website consists of a set of Web pages. On a page we see text, links, forms, images, various shadows, rounding blocks and other graphic elements. At the same time Web-page is interactive: text we can select, form we can fill in, images we can save to our computer. But even before the creation of Web-page its appearance was drawn by the designer, in fact, it was previously just a picture, the most common picture on which the entire page of the site was drawn. Of course, it was not interactive, you can not open a picture with text and copy it, right? So here is the process of converting the image of the page into a Web-page and is called layout.</p> <p>Without layout does not do without absolutely no site. The layout itself is done with the help of HTML and CSS. Both HTML and CSS - this is the basis of any site. In fact, knowing only HTML and CSS and knowing how to put them into practice (in other words, layout sites), you can already create countless different sites.</p> <p>Thus, if you want to engage in site-building, the first thing you need to master - it is HTML and CSS, and learn how to use them to layout sites.</p> <p>Section #1. Introduction</p> <p>This section consists of 3 video lessons:</p> <p>How to take the course?<br /> What is layout and what are its tasks?<br /> What does a Web page look like from the inside?<br /> After viewing this section, you will learn how to take the course in the most efficient way, learn more about the layout and its quality criteria. Also you will get acquainted with the source code of Web-page, and can already understand what parts it consists of and how they are interconnected.</p> <p>Section #2. Learn HTML</p> <p>This section consists of 15 lessons:</p> <p>Installing the editor<br /> Creating your first Web page<br /> Adding headers<br /> Tags for text<br /> Adding lists<br /> Adding images<br /> Adding links<br /> Organizing content on a page<br /> Iframe element<br /> Tables<br /> Forms<br /> Adding video<br /> Adding audio<br /> Adding favicon<br /> HTML mnemonics<br /> In this section you&#39;ll get everything you need to know about HTML, with a focus on the latest version 5 of the language. You will learn which editor is best to use to write HTML code, get all the knowledge on how to display a variety of content on the page, learn how to properly design the structure of the page, according to HTML5 standards and much, much more.</p> <p>Section #3. Learn CSS</p> <p>If HTML is responsible for the layout of the Web-page, CSS is responsible for its appearance. And in this section, consisting of 14 lessons, you will learn it perfectly:</p> <p>CSS Basics<br /> How to connect CSS<br /> Connecting Fonts<br /> Text appearance<br /> Units<br /> Selectors<br /> List Appearance<br /> Block Appearance<br /> Setting background<br /> Gradient<br /> Block fairing<br /> Block positioning<br /> Animation<br /> Transformations<br /> After passing the CSS section, you will already have a full baggage of knowledge for successful website layout of any complexity. However, without practice it will be difficult for you, so to simplify the learning process, the following two sections have been recorded.</p>

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