<p>A practicing physician will talk about effective, simple and affordable ways to protect against aging and how to approach them wisely.</p> <p>How to lose weight?", "How to get rid of wrinkles?", "How to delay menopause?", "How to remove cellulite?", "How to regain libido and energy?"- for each of these questions you can find a lot of information on the Internet, among which it is difficult to choose really correct recommendations.</p> <p>This lecture will give an overview of ten questions that are enough to understand for women of any age to be protected from the most powerful factors of aging, not to depend on cosmetology, to manage their energy level, to enjoy their natural femininity.</p> <p>YOU WILL LEARN WHAT TO DO ENOUGH TO:<br /> Not to waste money on cosmetics, cosmetic procedures and surgeries, vitamin complexes and superfoods.</p> <p>Not to torture yourself with diets, cleanses, fasts, marathons.</p> <p>Not wasting time and energy on inadequate fitness exercises.</p> <p>Do not take pills where you can manage without them.</p>