<p>Webinar on diet and nutrients that can be used to help curb skin aging at the cellular level.</p> <p><br /> Live lecture + follow-up access to recording + Q&A session + product guide.</p> <p>This webinar will be of interest to those who:<br /> Notices signs of aging (wrinkles, loss of elasticity, oval changes, dryness, pigmentation, neoplasms, swelling, discoloration, vascular asterisks)</p> <p>is a specialist in the cosmetology/beauty industry to enhance the effect of his/her work through the client's proper lifestyle</p> <p>wants to establish an anti-aging lifestyle and learn how to curb skin aging</p> <p>is already following the right lifestyle and wants to learn specifically about skin aging</p> <p>plans to avoid cardinal cosmetic rejuvenation procedures as much as possible</p> <p>has experience in fighting the signs of aging, but has not yet seen results.</p> <p>Webinar Content:<br /> The power of nutrition as a way to influence skin. What rejuvenation results can be achieved by changing only nutrition and nutraceuticals.</p> <p>Skin structure: cells, layers, processes. What skin structures and cellular mechanisms are involved in the aging process.</p> <p>Internal and external skin aging. What we can really stop.</p> <p>The 3 most influential aging mechanisms where creams and treatments lose their effectiveness. Glycation, inflammation, oxidative stress.</p> <p>How these mechanisms lead to visible signs of aging: wrinkles, loss of oval, decreased tone, dryness, pigmentation.</p> <p>How to eat to nourish beauty: 5 simple rules. What to strictly refuse, what is mandatory to have in the diet, what to enrich the diet, what balances to observe.</p> <p>How looks wrong and correct daily menu.</p> <p>Single and special nutraceuticals for skin cells. Plan minimum and plan maximum on nutraceuticals. Vitamins and nutrients, what you can really get from food, and what only in the form of supplements.</p>