<p>A functional nutritionist reveals the reasons that cause the body to crave glucose and make us dependent on sweets.</p> <p><br /> unlimited access to recording + memos.</p> <p>This webinar will be of interest to those who:<br /> wants to free themselves from addiction not only to sweets, but also to other fast carbohydrates (snacks, fried potatoes, pasta, baked goods)</p> <p>wants to normalize weight, normalize carbohydrate metabolism, improve skin condition, prevent early signs of aging</p> <p>wants to balance nutrition, build an effective anti-aging diet, form a proper culture of sweet consumption</p> <p>has received recommendations from doctors to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates in the diet, undergoes therapy to reduce insulin resistance, anti-candida protocol</p> <p>Experiencing chronic fatigue, apathy, mood swings, recovering from long-term stress</p> <p>Suffers from an intractable sugar addiction and needs support.</p> <p>What materials you will receive:<br /> A recording of the lecture and Q&A session. The doctor talks about the causes of sugar cravings and methods to combat them. A breakdown of participants' current questions about cravings for sweets.</p> <p>A list of foods to support proper carbohydrate metabolism. A list of links to real foods that are good examples of proper desserts, snacks, side dishes, sources of minerals, fats, protein, microflora nutrition.</p> <p>WEBINAR CONTENT</p> <p>Conditions in which the body requires glucose and can't do otherwise. Imbalances, deficiencies, lifestyle errors, correcting which, you can automatically free yourself from the desire to eat sweets.</p> <p>Ways to determine which biochemical causes cause you craving for sweets</p> <p>The nuances of the manifestation of cravings for sweets; other symptoms that accompany cravings for sweets; tests that will give the most accurate results.</p> <p>Popular dietary mistakes that make it difficult to reduce cravings for sweets</p> <p>Misconceptions and myths of proper nutrition, choice of pseudo healthy sweets, unknowingly consuming hidden sugar. Recommendations for the correct inclusion of sweets and carbohydrates in the diet.</p> <p>Getting rid of sugar does not mean depriving yourself of desserts and sweet taste. You just need to figure out what carbs you can eat, when, how much and how to prepare them.</p>