Women's Health


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Life Plus


<p>The program &quot;WOMEN&#39;S HEALTH&quot; is aimed at checking and restoring a woman&#39;s sex hormonal background, as well as the processes that affect it:</p> <p>- work of the thyroid gland;<br /> - work of the adrenal glands;<br /> - stocks of key vitamins and trace elements;<br /> - metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.</p> <p>The program is suitable for women who:<br /> aim to maintain activity and beauty, avoid premature onset of menopause and slow down the processes of physiological aging</p> <p>have problems with the cycle, observe signs of early menopause</p> <p>have complaints of constant fatigue, sweating, overweight, apathy or depression, hair loss on the head, hair growth on the face, skin aging.</p> <p>are preparing to enter menopause and want to maintain beauty, sexual activity, energy</p> <p>have undergone diseases or stress of the reproductive system, for example, surgical intervention</p> <p>are in the state of menopause and want to improve their well-being.</p> <p>Program composition:<br /> Test-Based Examination. The program includes an extensive list of indicators that will assess the condition of key organs and processes related to the hormonal balance of the sexual sphere.</p> <p>Detailed online consultation (1 hour). During the consultation, the doctor explains in detail the results of tests, describes the current state of your health, explains the causes of ailments.</p> <p>Development of an individual therapy program. You receive a detailed step-by-step therapy plan on (vitamins, nutrients, drugs) and lifestyle recommendations. (sleep, sports, movement). All appointments are accompanied by lists with live links to purchase medications.</p>

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