<p>WHAT TO LEARN:How to come up with, prepare and shoot a shoot that will not leave people indifferent.</p> <p>THEMES:Ideas, Content, Originality, Stylization, Project, Preparation, Shooting organization.</p> <p>FOR WHO:For everyone: portraits, reportage, travel, content, fashion, object and advertising shooting. Photography and Video.</p> <p>learn to shoot as good,<br /> and maybe even better</p> <p>exhibit, publish,<br /> make money,<br /> and amaze the world!</p> <p>There are people who do this every day.</p> <p>We'll learn how to come up with bright ideas,<br /> how to work with content and storytelling.<br /> make the audience feel emotions!</p> <p>There's a little bit of Shakespeare in everyone,<br /> and we know how to bring it out.</p> <p>Your shoots will be sure to grab people's attention<br /> to grab people's attention.</p>